Increased Taxes and Regulation of Indian Cigarillos (Bidi) Industry: Effect on Revenue and Years of Life Lost.
Indian cigarillos (bidi) are low-cost alternatives to cigarettes with only 22% imposed taxes, and turnover of up to INR 4 million per annum exempted from taxation.
Read moreEstimating the annual production data of bidi sticks in India using the "back-of-the-envelop-method"
The Indian bidi industry is largely unorganised with poorly implemented regulations along with laxed taxations.
Read moreIndia’s environmental burden of tobacco use and its policy implications.
The US Surgeon General’s report of 1964 and the wealth of research that followed over the decades established the devastating health and economic im-pacts of tobacco on its users...
Read moreDeath, Disability, and Premature Life Years Lost Due to Cigarettes, Bidis, and Smokeless Tobacco in India
Due to the staggering number of tobacco users in India, it is important to determine the exact mortality and morbidity rates due to tobacco use. This study aimed to estimate deaths, disability..
Read moreEstimating the weight of consumed tobacco product waste in various Indian states
The direct morbidity and mortality caused by tobacco are well documented, but such products also contribute to a range of environmental pollutants resulting from tobacco product waste. No previous..
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